Friday, August 19, 2011

Grace and Mercy

It's taking me a long time to actually make the decision to do this. I didn't want this to be a blog about myself, but for it to be a place to share the things that God has and is actively doing in my life. I mean if we can't believe that He is involved in our everyday being and that every second is a ticking moment on His calendar for our life, than what are we to believe? I titled this blog Grace and Mercy because young or old, new to the word or well seasoned we can, in some form, relate to these two things. I'll admit that I hate to be judged by anyone and I am terrible with punctuation and spelling, however I just have the need to share what is on my heart. There are still so many things that I have yet to experience, so many things that I have yet to learn but one thing is certain, with a willing heart He will teach. One thing I pray for often is that His word would never become boring to me. That the path that He has directed for me would cause such a stirring in my heart that would not allow me to quit no matter the obstacles or insecurities that stand in the way. I want to be hooked, I want to be thrilled and at times I just want to sit back in amazement at His unfailing and undeserving love. There is literally never a situation that I don't come up against that He doesn't kindly allow me the opportunity to change, even if I feel I am not the one that needs it. Most of the time it is painful, but if I choose to be obedient and willing to trust Him I usually am able to see the blessing in the outcome that ends up being more beneficial to me than anything else. Every time I start to think that I have things figured out I start preparing myself for the next situation. Before I know it I find myself back to square one, and although most of the time in a different place, He brings me there to meet again. So this is it. A safe place for me to share and hopefully a place that you would be willing to share also. This scripture came to mind today when I was thinking about what to post, Jeremiah 24 (The Two Baskets of Figs). More times than I can count I have flipped open my bible and it has opened to this page. For years I have questioned God why He kept leading me to this, now I know. Serving Him is an ever changing, ever sifting, pursuit to live within His will. Though daily we may fail, His Grace and Mercy and love never do.

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