Thursday, January 26, 2012

Security in My Savior

Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up. James 4:10 

Man, do I ever need to be lifted up. I have literally sat in my chair and cried my heart out over two families that have lost loved ones in the last 24 hours. One was the young mother I had mentioned before who has left behind her 3 year old little girl and the other was a local 8th grader who after 9 days of fighting for his life from a brain aneurism has went to be with the Lord. It’s hard to describe how through the body of Christ you can be so connected with others that you don’t even know. Somehow their pain becomes your pain and then we are all left with one thing in common…Jesus.
I thought it would be fitting to share with you the endless, limitless, countless love of Jesus today. I know some of you I may lose here but if you will just hang in here with me it will be so worth it. Some of you reading this may have a long history of knowing Him, others only read this because you are curious of what crazy thing I may write in here week after week. Whoever you are and where ever you have been or currently are at, you are welcome here.

So before we get started I want to pray. Heavenly Father, I ask you to take this time that each of us spends with you today to open our hearts for new things. I ask that you make the confusing parts of all of this clear and that you make the necessity of knowing you and serving you applicable in each of our lives. I pray that you would become so real to us and allow us to experience you in ways that we know that we know, who you are. Give us eyes to see you, hearts to love you and need to serve you. Heal us of our judgment and our hypocrisy. Give us the ability to know you and love you, for some of us even more. I ask this in your sons Holy saving name. Amen
2 Timothy 1:7

For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and sound mind.
I’m sorry, did He just say sound mind? Well count me in. I struggle so much with fear and dealing with anxious thoughts that this passage speaks mountains to me. Before I was saved I assumed that becoming a Christian was hard, and honestly weird. I didn’t want to make changes because I didn’t see the necessity for it. I didn’t even feel the need to worship or love something that was living way up in the sky somewhere and could never grasp a word from the Bible. Wow, I have come a long way. Do you want to know why I needed Jesus? Because he is the only one that could handle me. I put so much on people, high expectations, feelings and emotions, security, and you know what…they always let me down. The fact is it wasn’t their fault. It was just me trying to replace God with something else, trust me as long as you try this, and some will do it until they are put in the grave, it will never work and you will never be satisfied. I don’t want to spend my whole life unsatisfied, do you? I know a few of you are thinking, who do you think you are…I am satisfied, but are you really? Or do you constantly find yourself searching and trying new things to keep you going. Have you ever tried to take a week and just sit still?

This week I want to give you a little homework. Grab something to write on and title it this, “Finding Security in My Savior”. Then underneath it I want you to list 5 things that currently in your life make you feel secure. Then for the next 7 days I want you to pray over these things and ask God to show if these are things worth feeling secure over and if you need to replace anything with Him. Do you know what it means to replace something with Him? It is simple. Give Him authority over it. Stretch your faith, tell Him you trust Him in these areas and ask Him to give you peace over it. Ask Him to know what it means to love Him and to feel the love He has for you. Open up and talk it out with Him. Even in taking the first steps in being saved are so simple. Admit to God that you are a sinner and that without Grace we deserve hell. Ask Him to come into your heart and take authority over your life. Acknowledge that Jesus died on the cross for the salvation of your sins and to tear down the walls (the veil) that separated us from God. Ask God to help you understand that because of this sacrifice we have opportunity for real relationship, a true love romance relationship with Him. Ask forgiveness for your sins and daily seek Him.
If you made this decision today, or any day then talk to me or someone that is a Christian about it. It is the most important decision you could ever make in your life. Then hang on, because you are about to experience life and love in ways that were undesirable before.

It’s not that there is always this huge physical feeling when it comes to God, no doubt I feel Him often, but that isn’t what it is all about. It’s more the yearning to fulfill your gifts and your calling. It’s a separation from wanting what the world says you should want and needing what God created for you. It’s about loving Him and His people, and it is about the God given enjoyment of serving.  
He is a forgiving God, he pours out His mercy and grace on us and redeems the shame from our sins.

He is a loving God, who unconditionally loves us no matter the choice’s we have made or circumstance we choose.
He is also a God who Judges, and He does so in His righteousness and honor and glory for the love of His people and purpose of His Kingdom.

So come to Him. Surrender any thoughts you may have against Him. You can’t question who God is harder than I did or fight any harder against knowing Him than I did for many years. Then one day, after he had reached out to me some many times, He plainly said, “Enough”. I found myself trip lined flat on my face and after spending more time there than I wanted I slowly got the courage to limb by limb raise up into His loving arms. I wore myself out riding the fence, I am so glad I am miles away from it on the right side now.
I pray that God would give you clarity this week and move your heart to know him and for those of you who already know Him to know Him even more.

For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and love and sound mind…the rest is up to you. One of my favorite teachers often says, “Bend the knee or He’ll break them”. I’ve walked on crutches a time or two.
Be Blessed

I know not everyone is comfortable commenting, here is my e-mail if you ever need or want to talk about anything.


  1. Growing in the Lord is an awesome thing and I see it so clearly in you and your life. Thanks for sharing.

  2. You always bless me with your writing my sweet friend. I am always touched at the fact that it hits me square in the face! Yesterday Chad's company laid off 700 employees. I was a nervous wreck all day because of course a ton of my security lyes in Chad's job! He still has a job today and will stay with the company and we are thrilled! The kicker is...if we would have stayed in Texas...remember that horrible choice we had to make and how scared I was moving here...if we would not have moved he would not have a job! Amazing. This journey has been a huge leap of faith for us, but God is blessing us daily. I trust HIS authority and I'm so glad I do. I helps so much when you think of what could be without his constant care for me. I miss you so much!!!! Keep this going Kristi, I love it more than I can say!
