Sunday, October 9, 2011

In a dry and parched land...

Psalm 63 -1You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.

If you live close to me you know exactly why I put this scripture in here. Rain! and a ton of it. Nothing better than a great church service with visiting family, good lunch, football....and rain. My favorite kind of Sundays. I read this scripture last week and have thought about it often, I thought I would share what God put on my heart with it. There are just times in my walk with Him that I feel...for better words parched. It's often that the longing for God only happens long after the thirst for His word has stopped. I wonder how at times He consumes my entire days or weeks to then realize some days I haven't meet with Him at all. I used to try and recommit and reschedule things to try and fit Him in, now I just fit Him in first (even if it means giving up that last hour of sleep). I have also had to remind myself that my walk with God doesn't always consist of the mountain top moments. I have not only had to adjust to the times spent deep in the valley, but to learn how to enjoy the journey of the climb. My personality wants a full blown active, fulfilling all times. God doesn’t work that way. Anytime I am willing, He teaches me, anytime I let go of my pride, He is willing to move me and anytime I am willing to be still and listen, He speaks. But this doesn't occur when I only devote a 30 second prayer to Him and defiantly does not occur when I choose to not open the bible and just simply read. I don't know about you but I want more, and if it is out there to receive I want to be sure and not miss out. That is really all I had today, if this in anyway speaks to you I hope that today would be the day that you make the change. I hope you are enjoying this wonderful unusual day and I pray that God shows you something really great...even if it's just for you to understand.

Psalm 63 2-5 I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. 5 I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you...



  1. I just read through your whole blog again and feel blessed. I loved this one. I love the verse. Chad and I were talking this morning before he left for work about how he had failed us in our quest for a church home. He hasnt failed us. I am dry, weary and unmotivated. My soul thirsts but I do nothing. I run away instead of facing head on the challenge if opening my mind to something different. I continue to Praise him in this journey but it takes more.... Pray that I will rise up and accept this journey. I do not have a very humble spirit right now and I need that desperately. Thank you for this uplifting message today. I love you Kris....:)

  2. Enjoyed your blog for today. We all go through dry times. It's up to us to change what we don't like about our walk with God and make it more productive. He will never force himself on us. Sometimes I think it would be better if he did. Kim I read your comment and I know just how you feel. It is very hard to find a new church home. We went for 2 years in Louisiana without a church home. We tried alot of different ones and just couldn't seem to find a fit. I think alot of it was my attitude. I didn't want to be there and I was determined not to get settled anywhere. But the Lord is good and he brought us through it and he will bring you through it too.
